Is 50 the New 30?

May 8th, 2012

Is this true?  Who the heck coined this phrase?  Or is 50 the new and improved 30? I say “new and improved” because turning 30 was not as positive as turning 50.

The 20s were filled with insecurity, uncertainty, pressure to be SOMEONE, pressure to DO something big and succeed.  Turning 30 felt like an opportunity to exhale, a chance to stand tall and say “I think this is who I am.”  Still pressure and insecurity but mitigated by a growing sense of “this is me, no doubt.”

Turning 50 was a joyous occasion — no pressure, no insecurity, no uncertainty.  Yup, this is who I am, love it or leave it.

There was a lot I enjoyed in my 30s and 40s and, 3 months in, there’s a lot I’m loving about 50.    One of the best is appreciating today and recognizing I don’t have unlimited tomorrows.   In the 20s and 30s, there’s a sense of forever, always a chance to start over/do over and,just maybe, a bit of taking life for granted.   Maybe even a bit taking people for granted.

I like to believe that in my 50s I appreciate people more, express emotions more because the tomorrows are dwindling — mine and theirs.

So maybe 50 is truly ‘new and improved’ …. period.



(I’m gonna gloss over the physical changes because there’s no way I can consider any of them ‘new and improved’ over my 30 year old body)


(I do like the phrase “ferocious second wind” in the article, tho’)

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